
Cameron Fuess

Au Train Township Assessor
(224) 388-3003

Upon contacting the assessor, the assessor shall return phone calls and emails within 3 days of the initial correspondence. Longer than typical response times can be expected during assessment notice preparation, March Board of Review, July Board of Review, and December Board of Review.

Au Train Township assessment department is available by appointment only.  Please contact the assessor to arrange in-person meeting if necessary. 

Online Access to Data and Maps

Since the Township does not have a full-time staff, for your convenience the Township has provided the public with access to all assessing, tax and mapping information online, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

The assessing data will be available through BS&A by clicking the image above, or link below.  The assessing information will give you the record card information including building contents break down, sketches and land information. You will be able to search by address, owner’s name, or parcel number.  *You can access your own property for free by creating an account, but you will be charged a fee by BS&A for other properties.  That fee covers the cost maintaining the site.  Au Train Township does not receive any funds for offering this service.* 

Maps are provided through Alger County Equalization Department.  Please find the link below to access Colligo GIS, the site that houses the maps.

Colligo GIS

BS&A Property Information Lookup 

Land Values

Each year vacant land sales are analyzed, and land values are categorized and calculated, then applied in the valuation process.  Please see below for the land value grid used. 

•Land  Values

Economic Condition Factors

Each year the sales of improved properties are analyzed, and Economic Condition Factors (ECF’s) are calculated and applied in the valuation process.  Please see below for the data by year. 


Contact Information for Delinquent Taxes

Delinquent taxes are transferred to the Alger County Treasurer’s office in February of each year.  Inquiries regarding tax amounts and payment status after February should be directed to the Alger County Treasurers office.

Current Tax Bill Status

Current year tax inquires can be directed to Kristy Cota, Au Train Township treasurer.

Assessment Change Notices

Assessment change notices are mailed out at the end of February each year.  Change notices will include tentative values, property classification and exemption status for the following year, and will include information on how and when to protest values if necessary. 

Parcel Splits and Combinations

Splits and combinations are processed in January of each year.  Below is a property split authorization form.  This form needs to be complete and submitted, with payment to Mary Johnson, Au Train Township Clerk. 

  • Link to Split Authorization Form

Exemption Forms and Documentation

Please see below for a selection of property tax exemption forms:

How to Protest an Assessment

Tax assessments can be disputed each year at the March Board of Review.  Absentee protests are accepted, and will need a fully completed 4035a (protest to the march board of review) and any supporting documentation necessary.  All of which needs to be submitted by the day preceding the final meeting of the March Board of Review.   

News / Notices

Per GFL (Adam – Wood Island Landfill 01/16/2025) – ALL GARBAGE CARTS NEED TO BE PLACED FOR PICKUP by 6:00 am!
With new drivers, route changes, weather delays – they are hoping to get back on schedule. Our contract calls for pickup to begin as early as 6:00 am.
Previous times should no longer be taken into consideration.
If you have questions contact GFL direct at (906)387-2646 or Supervisor, Tom Balmes at (906)892-8279.
Thank you!

The Township will be offering a Spring Clean up at the GFL Wood Island Landfill on Saturday June 7th from 8:30 am to 11:30 am.   More details to follow.  Mark your calendars! 
**Check out the CALENDAR for upcoming Township meetings and events**