
Donna Shields, Zoning Administrator


PO Box 33
Au Train MI  49806-0033


Zoning is governmental regulation of the use of land with primary goals to ensure the compatibility of land uses and prevent nuisances, protect natural resources, and protect property values.

Zoning implements a community’s master plan through the zoning ordinance, which divides the community into various districts or zones, and specifies the land uses, such as residential, commercial or industrial, that are authorized by right, permitted with conditions or prohibited within each zone.

Typical zoning regulations address the physical development of the township through such elements as land use, building height, bulk, lot area, setbacks, parking, signs and density.

Both general law and charter townships may adopt zoning ordinances, pursuant to zoning enabling statute.

Zoning Administrator  Job Description

Zoning Compliance Permits

The Township’s Zoning Ordinance is administered by the Township Zoning Administrator. A Zoning Compliance Permit is required for any land use change.   Please visit and review the “Steps for Land Development” prior to submitting any application (for ZCP or CUP) for review by the Zoning Administrator.  

Building permits are issued by the Alger County Building Code Administrator, located at 100 Court Street in Munising. A zoning compliance permit from the Township is required to receive a building permit from Alger County. For more information please contact the Alger County Building Code Administrator at (906) 387-2727.

You may need additional permits from the LMAS District Health Department – Environmental Health Division Alger County, E9526 Prospect Street, Munising, MI 49862, ph: (906) 387-2297

Zoning Administrator Reports


News / Notices

Per GFL (Adam – Wood Island Landfill 01/16/2025) – ALL GARBAGE CARTS NEED TO BE PLACED FOR PICKUP by 6:00 am!
With new drivers, route changes, weather delays – they are hoping to get back on schedule. Our contract calls for pickup to begin as early as 6:00 am.
Previous times should no longer be taken into consideration.
If you have questions contact GFL direct at (906)387-2646 or Supervisor, Tom Balmes at (906)892-8279.
Thank you!

The Township will be offering a Spring Clean up at the GFL Wood Island Landfill on Saturday June 7th from 8:30 am to 11:30 am.   More details to follow.  Mark your calendars! 
**Check out the CALENDAR for upcoming Township meetings and events**